Investigating the startup and investor climate in Kenya
Join our delegation in cooperation with Danish Business Angels (Danban) to Kenya, August 18th – 22nd, 2020 and investigate the startup, venture and investor ecosystem and business opportunities in Kenya.
Venture ecosystems, investing climate – discover the potential of East Africa.
In cooperation with Danish Business Angels, Nordekon Consultancy Company invite angel and impact investors to join our business delegation to Kenya in August 18th – 22nd, 2020. The purpose of the business delegation is to meet relevant venture funds, investor ecosystems, stakeholders and local entrepreneur hubs.

Target group:
This delegation to Kenya is relevant for impact and angel investors, business angels and business people interested in entrepreneurship and scaling up businesses in a huge market and access to the fast-moving and growing region of Africa.
About the investor climate in Kenya
Kenya has been at the forefront of the African digital revolution over the past decade, and currently has over 80 percent internet penetration which makes Kenya a world leader in use of smartphones. With such a high number of the population having access to smartphones, mobile technologies are increasing rapidly in Kenya, being embraced in the banking, transportation and healthcare industries. In the next ten years, Africa will have achieved substantial growth in digital inclusion and is set to leapfrog the rest of the world due to the numerous opportunities that exist. Kenya is among six countries identified as leaders in expansion of Africa’s share in the global digital economy.
About 70% of students in Kenya can’t afford the mandatory textbooks required for school, that´s one of the reasons why the world’s leading work on education is happening in Nairobi and Kenya is ranked 1st out of 43 African countries for education outcomes. Kenya’s education system is the strongest on the African continent.
Medical technologies are products, services or solutions used to save and improve people’s lives. The Kenyan medical device market will record double-digit growth in local currency terms over the 2017-2022 period. Kenya will increase budgetary allocation towards training of healthcare workers and acquisition of technologies in order to boost response to a rising disease burden. The demand for medical devices remains high as many healthcare facilities require modernization in both the public and private sector, which fosters a demand for high quality, affordable and efficient medical devices and digital transformation. (Source: Medic East Africa)
With the 2007 launch of mobile-money transfer service M-Pesa by Vodacom for Safaricom, Kenya has led the world in mobile money. The Kenyan fintech sector is among the fastest growing in Africa, with technology increasingly defining the day-to-day running of businesses in the country. Many start-ups are driving innovations, especially within mobile money. These businesses include mobile banking and savings, alternative funding and mobile payments.
Delegation programme
Day 1:
Wednesday August, 19th
Danish Startup Day
- 10.00 AM: Visit Nairobi Garage hub- Mdundo (Mirrage Towers)
- 01.00 PM: Lunch (own cost)
- 03.00 PM: Visit ihub and Danish SkyGarden
(By/ Martin Majlund, Co-Founder) - 05.00 PM: Meeting Skygarden customer
(Place: tba) - 07.00 PM: Joint dinner at Ankole Grill (own cost)
Day 2:
Thursday August, 20th
Pitch & Networking Day
- 10.00 AM: Visit Beatyclick and a political Kenyan overview b/ Mr. Ritesh Doshi
- 01.00 PM: Lunch
- 03.00 PM: Event at the at the Couture House (Meeting Intrepreneur and Investor, Olive Cachera and Founder, Richard Murbeck (Eferio)
- 03.30 PM: Entrepreneur pitches x 5 à 8 minuts (telecom, 4iR, deep tech, fintech/insurtech, Lifestyle/Fashion, FMCG)
- 04.30 PM: Foodbuffet, mingling and networking
- 05.30 PM: Networking, bar & refreshments with other Entrepreneurs, Advisors and Investors that will arrive
- 09.30 PM: Closing
Day 3:
Friday August, 21st
VC Day
- 10.00 AM: Visit Antler VC & Accellerator Programme (tbc)
- 01.00 PM: Lunch (Own cost)
- 02.00 PM: Visit Kepple Africa Ventures
- 07.00 PM: Joint dinner (own cost): Nyama Mama Delta
Particpant fee: The price is EURO 395 (ex. VAT) each person (based on min. 15 traveling companies) ex. airfare, transportaion and accomodation. Members of AFRICA INNOVATION NETWORK® will get approx. 10% discount. Not included in the price is the participant’s own transport to meetings, transportation to/from airport, visas, insurance and meals. Sign up: Please email, Flemming Sørensen: fls@nordekon.com.