in Kenya

Connecting Nordic and Kenyan businesses


Business delegations in 2021 


Business delegations in 2020


We are inviting existing Kenyan ecosystems, clusters, investors and companies to become a part of AFRICA INNOVATION NETWORK®. We aim to create a foundation with the aim of stimmulating Nordic-East African business movement/opportunities. Below you will find links to our seminars and if you would like to be part of AFRICA INNOVATION NETWORK® please contact us through the contact form in the bottom of this page.


Seminars in 2020 


  • Nairobi, November 26th, : (Kickoff) “How to do digital business with Nordic companies in Africa” (Official programme is being developed)


Seminars in 2021 


  • Nairobi, February, (tba) “How to do business with public institutions
  • Nairobi, June, (tba) “Healthcare solutions
  • Nairobi, August, (tba) “Doing business with Nordic companies in the Tourism and Hospitality sector
  • Nairobi, November, (tba) “TBA

AFRICA INNOVATION NETWORK® is now embarking on the most ambitious network strategy to date. We do this in cooperation with our local partner Werth & Partner in Kenya.

Partnership with us

We would like to promote your business in the section below. The fee for local partnership is EURO 1,500 (ex. VAT) a year. As partner you´re automaticaly member of AFRICA INNOVATION NETWORK® with access to any seminar in Africa and the Nordics that we arrange. Only criteria is, that your company bring value to the AFRICA INNOVATION NETWORK® members.

Business in the Nordics 


In the Nordics there is a strong focus and commitment towards green transmission, climate change and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG´s) and a sustainable and good governance in general. Below you´ll find some of the driving sectors in the Nordis: 

Motor vehicles, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, industrial machines, precision equipment, chemical goods, forestry, iron and steel, wind turbines, medical equipment, healthcare solutions, digital solutions, shipbuilding, food processing, machinery and transportation equipment, textiles and clothing, electronics, construction, furniture and other wood products, oil/offshore solutions.

Ease of doing business ranking (2020): Denmark: 4th, Norway: 9th, Sweden: 10th, Finland: 20th 
(Source: World Bank). 

Business in Kenya 


The economy has seen much expansion, seen by strong performance in tourism, higher education, healthcare, fintech, telecommunications, and in agriculture sector. Tourism in Kenya is the second-largest source of foreign exchange revenue following agriculture. Manufacturing accounts for 14% of the GDP, with industrial activity concentrated around the three largest urban areas of Nairobi, Mombasa, and Kisumu, and is dominated by food-processing industries such as grain milling, beer/soft drink production, sugarcane crushing, and the fabrication of consumer goods. The largest share of Kenya’s electricity supply comes from geothermal energy, followed by hydroelectric stations at dams. 

Ease of doing business ranking (2020): Kenya: 56th  
(Source: World Bank). 

Business culture 


Kenya and the Nordics differ significantly in business procedures, etiquettes and norms, which are essential to be acquainted with in order to maximise chances of success when doing business. Kenya is a very diverse country making it complicated to describe one business culture, however, in general the following characteristics of Kenyan business culture differs the most from Nordic business culture; a low level of trust, hierarchical organizational structure, a slower decision-making process and less focus on punctuality. On the contrary, Nordic business cultures are in general characterised with high level of trust, a flat organisational structure, fast decision-making process and great emphasis on punctuality.

The Nordics are among the countries with lowest corruption in the world. The latest (2018) rankings are: Denmark: 1st, Sweden/Finland: 3rd, Norway: 7th, Kenya: 137rd
(Source: Transparency International). 

AFRICA INNOVATION NETWORK® is the leading Nordic consultancy company in how to do business in Africa

In Kenya we facilitate AFRICA INNOVATION NETWORK® in cooperation with our local partner, Werth & Partner

CEO, Volker Werth    

Director, Partner, PhD, Ms. Tanja K. Nielsen

Managing Director, Mr. Volker Werth 

AFRICA INNOVATION NETWORK® in Kenya is for Kenyan companies with focus on business in the Nordics. If you would like to apply for membership please send us a message by using the contact form.

Contact our local partner Werth & Partner in Kenya if you have any questions regarding AFRICA INNOVATION NETWORK® in Kenya

Yes, I would like to be part of AFRICA INNOVATION NETWORK in Kenya

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