We are proud to welcome you to The Creative Business Network. Here, we celebrate and champion the creative industries — a unique tribe of innovative disruptors aiming to change the world and impact global economy and culture. We cover all the stories that influence the creative economy — the people, places, and trends that have meaning to this sector. While we do this through highly inclusive startup competitions throughout the year and around the globe, we now bring you daily stories and articles to make you smarter and more successful. If you’re a creative, an investor, a leader, or a startup we aim to unite the community right here.
So why is it that we are so passionate about the cultural and creative industries?
First and foremost, these are among the fastest growing sectors in the world economy and thus ads significantly to economic development, job creation and cross-sector innovation. But the creative sector is not only a source of economic transformation – it also contributes to social inclusion and sustainable human development. UN is aware of this and therefore declared 2021 the International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development.
In Creative Business Network, we believe that the cultural and creative industries in Africa represents a huge untapped potential and is a means to fulfilling the sustainable development goals for the region.
As part of our efforts in Africa, we are planning Creative Business Summit Africa 2020, which will take place in Legos, Nigeria on May 14th – 15th, 2020. We are looking for collaboration partners to make the program as relevant and inspiring as possible.

Managing Director
Rasmus Wiinstedt Tscherning
Mobile +45 2840 4668
Phone +45 3167 2740
rwt@cbnet.com / www.cbnet.com