Healthcare Business Cluster in Norway
For companies in the healthcare sector
Companies in the healthcare sector in Norway can join our business cluster. We have min. 4 meetings a year and 1-2 business delegations to selected countries in Africa a year.
Penetration in Africa
Present in African countries
We gather Norwegian healthcare companies with focus on business in Africa
How to penetrate the African healthcare markets
Norwegian companies seems to have an untapped potential of doing healthcare business in Africa. Based on our work with our Danish Healthcare Business Cluster, experience shows that co-creation, knowledge-sharing and the right network leads to more business.
We are very delighted to kickstart our Healthcare Business Cluster in Norway as well. Our focus will be on how to penetrate the African healthcare markets, how to get access to the right people; authorities, distributors, hospitals, universities and other relevant stakeholders in the African countries. It is important that the work to be done and activities to be carried out in our business cluster will be in close dialogue with our members and the participating companies.
Visit to selected African countries
Within 2021, we are aiming at visiting one African country/markets for further investigation, depending on the corona situation.
Annual fee / Venue
(Healthcare) Members of AFRICA INNOVATION NETWORK: Free of charge
Non-members: EURO 1500 (ex. VAT) a year (each company)
Venue: TBA soon
Next meeting
See further below
“In sub-Saharan Africa, infectious diseases such as malaria and HIV/AIDS cause 69% of deaths. Though we can deliver short-term aid and try to develop innovative vacinnes or treatment for diseases, the real issue is the danger of a weak healthcare system. To address this, we must focus on building better healthcare infrastructure in Africa”
World Economic Forum
Our next healthcare business delegation
We are aiming at visiting the 1-2 African countries a year. The duration of our business delegations is 3-5 days, depending on the character of the visit and the amount of matchmaking meetings on location.
October 2021 (TBA)
Next visit to Africa to investigate healthcare business opportunities will be concluded by the members in our cluster
Next meeting(s)
December, 2020
Meeting in Oslo
Depending on the corona situation this meeting can be held virtually. More info will be updated here prior to the meeting.

Director, PhD, Ms. Tanja K. Nielsen
Healthcare Cluster Responsible
AFRICA INNOVATION NETWORK Healthcare Business Cluster is for companies in the healthcare sector looking at the African continent as a market for penetration. If you like to apply for membership please send us an message through the contact form. Contact Director, PhD, Ms. Tanja K. Nielsen if you would like to know more about our healthcare business cluster: